Produkter från Svedala djurfoder (zoosajten)

Pris: 748.0 SEK
Frakt från: 0,00 SEK
Total pris: 748.0 SEK
I lager: Ja

Dazer&nbsp II&nbsp rekomenderas&nbsp till&nbsp de som&nbsp har problem med att hunden sk&auml ller, hundr&auml dda eller av personer som vill k&auml nna sig s&auml kra d&aring de t.ex &auml r ute och cyklar eller joggar.Med den senaste tekniken inom ultraljud &auml r Dazer II&nbsp ett utm&auml rkt alternativ ist&auml llet f?ndra &quot skr&auml mselmetoder&quot .Dazer II&nbsp skickar ut ett h?ekvent ljud som hunden upplever obehagligt. Detta &auml r ofarligt f?unden och m&auml nniskor h?j ljudet. Hunden kommer inte komma n&auml rmre &auml n 6m d&aring ljudet &auml r outh&auml rdigt p&aring det avst&aring ndet.Den &auml r enkel att anv&auml nda, man trycker p&aring en knapp. En lampa lyser s&aring att man vet att ljudet &auml r aktivt.

Inlagd: 2008-11-29

Direktlänk - Butiksinfo

Pris: 48.0 SEK
Frakt från: 0,00 SEK
Total pris: 48.0 SEK
I lager: Ja

Blandning speciellt anpassad f?r&auml sparakiter som splendid parakit, turkosparakit, bourkes, Elegantparakit och &auml ven till undulater.Inneh&aring ller&nbsp INGA solrosfr?

Inlagd: 2008-11-29

Direktlänk - Butiksinfo

Pris: 418.0 SEK
Frakt från: 0,00 SEK
Total pris: 418.0 SEK
I lager: Ja

Mysig b&auml dd med en diameter p&aring 50, 60 eller 70 cm. Mjuka kanter och en uttagbar&nbsp kudde i botten. F&auml rg: brunbeige med bruna tassarG&aring r att tv&auml tta i 30 grader.

Inlagd: 2008-11-29

Direktlänk - Butiksinfo

Pris: 9.0 SEK
Frakt från: 0,00 SEK
Total pris: 9.0 SEK
I lager: Ja

Inlagd: 2008-11-29

Direktlänk - Butiksinfo

Pris: 25.0 SEK
Frakt från: 0,00 SEK
Total pris: 25.0 SEK
I lager: Ja

Oval gummiborste som passar korth&aring riga hundar.Ger en sk?assage medan du bostar.Finns i olika f&auml rger.

Inlagd: 2008-11-29

Direktlänk - Butiksinfo

Pris: 29.0 SEK
Frakt från: 0,00 SEK
Total pris: 29.0 SEK
I lager: Ja

Ditt favoritdjur kommer att bli galen i dessa l&auml ckra bitarna. Varje pinne inneh&aring ller en blandning av&nbsp goda ingredienser som &auml pple, tranb&auml r och honung. Allt &auml r bakat utanp&aring en speciell h&aring llare f?tt l&auml tt kunna h&auml ngas upp i buren.Dessa l&auml mpar sig till gerbiler, kaniner, r&aring ttor, marsvin, hamster och m? Ingredienser: Flingor, Majs, Solrosor, Dari, Br?tar, Sorghum, R?ch vitt hirs, Jordn?r, &Auml pple (4%), Tranb&auml r (4%), Honung (1%).Inneh&aring llsf?ckning: Protein 11% Fett 5% Fibrer 7% Aska 2% Vatten 11% Vikt:136 gram Anvisningar: Ge dessa pinnarna till ditt sm&aring djur som ett komplement till dess vanliga basfoder. Se till att ditt djur har tillg&aring ng till f&auml rskt vatten.<!--r?a r?o-->

Inlagd: 2008-11-29

Direktlänk - Butiksinfo

Pris: 29.0 SEK
Frakt från: 0,00 SEK
Total pris: 29.0 SEK
I lager: Ja

Ditt favoritdjur kommer att bli galen i dessa l&auml ckra bitarna. Varje pinne inneh&aring ller en blandning av&nbsp goda ingredienser som banan, honung och jordn?r. Allt &auml r bakat utanp&aring en speciell h&aring llare f?tt l&auml tt kunna h&auml ngas upp i buren.Dessa l&auml mpar sig till gerbiler, kaniner, r&aring ttor, marsvin, hamster och m?Ingredienser: Mj?Majs, Solrosor, S&auml d, Sorghum, R?ch vitt hirs, Jordn?r ( 5%), Banan&nbsp (4%), Honung (1%).Inneh&aring llsf?ckning: Protein 10% Fett 5% Fibrer 7% Aska 3% Vatten 10% Vikt:136 gram Anvisningar: Ge dessa pinnarna till ditt sm&aring djur som ett komplement till dess vanliga basfoder. Se till att ditt djur har tillg&aring ng till f&auml rskt vatten.<!--r?a r?o-->

Inlagd: 2008-11-29

Direktlänk - Butiksinfo

Pris: 29.0 SEK
Frakt från: 0,00 SEK
Total pris: 29.0 SEK
I lager: Ja

Ditt favoritdjur kommer att bli galen i dessa l&auml ckra bitarna. Varje pinne inneh&aring ller en blandning av&nbsp goda ingredienser som popcorn, honung och mor?r. Allt &auml r bakat utanp&aring en speciell h&aring llare f?tt l&auml tt kunna h&auml ngas upp i buren.Dessa l&auml mpar sig till gerbiler, kaniner, r&aring ttor, marsvin, hamster och m?Ingredienser: Mj?Majs, Solrosor, K&aring l, Sorghum, Popcorn (4%), Morot (4%), Honung (1%).Inneh&aring llsf?ckning: Protein 11% Fett 7% Fibrer 4% Aska 2% Vatten 8% Vikt:100 gram Anvisningar: Ge dessa pinnarna till ditt sm&aring djur som ett komplement till dess vanliga basfoder. Se till att ditt djur har tillg&aring ng till f&auml rskt vatten

Inlagd: 2008-11-29

Direktlänk - Butiksinfo

Pris: 29.0 SEK
Frakt från: 0,00 SEK
Total pris: 29.0 SEK
I lager: Ja

Ditt favoritdjur kommer att bli galen i dessa l&auml ckra bitarna. Varje pinne inneh&aring ller en blandning av&nbsp goda ingredienser som sockermajs, rostat ris och honung. Allt &auml r bakat utanp&aring en speciell h&aring llare f?tt l&auml tt kunna h&auml ngas upp i buren.Dessa l&auml mpar sig till gerbiler, kaniner, r&aring ttor, marsvin, hamster och m?Ingredienser: Flingor, Majs (24%), Solrosor (7%), Dari, Jordn?r ( 5%), Honung (5%), Rostat ris (3%)Inneh&aring llsf?ckning: Protein 10% Fett 5% Fibrer 4% Aska 1% Vatten 7% Vikt:100 gram Anvisningar: Ge dessa pinnarna till ditt sm&aring djur som ett komplement till dess vanliga basfoder. Se till att ditt djur har tillg&aring ng till f&auml rskt vatten.<!--r?a r?o-->

Inlagd: 2008-11-29

Direktlänk - Butiksinfo

Pris: 99.0 SEK
Frakt från: 0,00 SEK
Total pris: 99.0 SEK
I lager: Ja

Finns det n&aring got som g&aring r upp mot en kattunge? Ett bed&aring rande litet p&auml lsknyte som far omkring d&auml rhemma och jagar allt som r?&aring sig. Men att skaffa katt &auml r inte bara ett enkelt ink?det &auml r mycket man m&aring ste t&auml nka p&aring innan katten flyttar in, och &auml nnu mer n&auml r den b?r bli hemmastadd. I den h&auml r boken hittar du allt en nybliven katt&auml gare beh? veta. Fr&aring n den grundl&auml ggande utrustningen till vaccinationer och lektips.&nbsp 80 sidor.Inbunden.&nbsp

Inlagd: 2008-11-29

Direktlänk - Butiksinfo

Pris: 179.0 SEK
Frakt från: 0,00 SEK
Total pris: 179.0 SEK
I lager: Ja

Komplett undulat handbok!These fascinating birds are green as they are found in their native Australian environment, but selective breeding in captivity has resulted in a stunning variety of colors. Here is virtually everything a prospective parakeet owner needs to know about keeping one or more of these birds. 160 sidor.Utgiven 2000.Skriven p&aring engelska.

Inlagd: 2008-11-29

Direktlänk - Butiksinfo

Pris: 249.0 SEK
Frakt från: 0,00 SEK
Total pris: 249.0 SEK
I lager: Ja

Att leva med en nymfparakit &auml r en helt nyutkommen bok. (2007)Bok i exklusivt utf?de.Boken tar upp alla aspekter som tex.:Att f?&aring din nymfparakitHur man aklimatiserar en ny f&aring gelInomhusbur och utomhusburKorrekt utfodringBadningVingklippningN&auml bb och klotrimmningL&auml ra din nymfparakit att talaHantera problem beteendeAvel och uppf?ngUtst&auml llningH&auml lsov&aring rdThe newest photo-filled title in Barron&rsquo s Living With a Pet series was written especially for prospective cockatiel owners who are looking for detailed information about the needs and traits of this fascinating bird. Originally native to Australia, cockatiels are members of the parrot family. Wild cockatiels tend to be smaller than birds bred in captivity. Given proper care the cockatiel thrives and readily breeds in captivity. This book offers advice on choosing one or more good specimens, setting up the bird&rsquo s home with proper fixtures and fittings, acclimating the bird to its new home, indoors or in an outdoor aviary, correct feeding, bathing, wing clipping, beak and nail trimming, observing and understanding cockatiel behavior, house training, voice training, dealing with problem behavior, breeding, exhibiting cockatiels in shows, and health care. 128 sidor. Utgiven 2007.Skriven p&aring engelska.

Inlagd: 2008-11-29

Direktlänk - Butiksinfo

Pris: 429.0 SEK
Frakt från: 0,00 SEK
Total pris: 429.0 SEK
I lager: Ja

Akvarium inspirerade av naturen, denna bok ger dig hj&auml lp och inspiration att s&auml tta upp en riktig biotop.This lavishly photo-filled volume demonstrates that having an aquarium to be proud of means much more than keeping fish in a glass tank. The aquarium enthusiast who takes his hobby seriously reproduces a part of the aquatic natural environment in miniature inside his home. Author Peter Hiscock offers practical instructions on setting up a freshwater tropical aquarium. He describes substrate, aquarium plants, and appropriate combinations of fish. Much of this book focuses on fish and plant life in nature, and then offers details on replicating natural settings that are to be found in many different parts of the world. This lavish volume&rsquo s main sections discuss the following topics: Setting up an Aquarium: A practical introduction to the process of assembling a freshwater tropical aquarium with descriptions of all needed materials, from substrate to filters. Choosing and Using Aquarium Plants: A detailed review of aquarium plants and how to use them effectively in a freshwater tropical aquarium. How Fishes Live: A look at the lifestyles and physiology of freshwater tropical fish. This chapter serves as a foundation for the book&rsquo s main section , which follows. A World Tour in Your Aquarium: This major section of the book offers readers a tour of the world&rsquo s freshwater habitats as they exist in different parts of the world. It describes methods to set up an aquarium that recreates the atmosphere and fish life of each location, including a mountain stream of fast-flowing water, a mangrove swamp, a flooded Amazon forest, a Southeast Asian swamp, and several others. Both plants and fish varieties are shown in vivid color photos and described in detail. More than 450 color photos and illustrations. About the Author:Peter Hiscock trained at Sparsholt College in Hampshire, one of the U.K.&rsquo s leading schools for aquatic studies. He has published widely on fish behavior and aquarium keeping. Among his other books published in North America by Barron&rsquo s are A Practical Guide to Choosing Aquarium Plants and A Practical Guide to Creating and Maintaining Water Quality.208 sidor.Utgiven 2003.Skriven p&aring engelska.

Inlagd: 2008-11-29

Direktlänk - Butiksinfo

Pris: 149.0 SEK
Frakt från: 0,00 SEK
Total pris: 149.0 SEK
I lager: Ja

Bok helt &auml gnad Tanganyika ciklider.These fish species come in many interesting and colorful varieties available to aquarium hobbyists.&nbsp &nbsp 96 sida.Utgiven 2008.Skriven p&aring engelska.

Inlagd: 2008-11-29

Direktlänk - Butiksinfo

Pris: 129.0 SEK
Frakt från: 0,00 SEK
Total pris: 129.0 SEK
I lager: Ja

Komplett bok om guppy, molly och platyHere is detailed information on feeding, breeding, and maintaining a healthful tank environment. 96 sidor.Utgiven 2008Skriven p&aring engelska.

Inlagd: 2008-11-29

Direktlänk - Butiksinfo

Pris: 445.0 SEK
Frakt från: 0,00 SEK
Total pris: 445.0 SEK
I lager: Ja

Encyklopedi&nbsp om akvarium fiskar!Aquarium hobbyists will love this beautifully illustrated identifier of more than 230 freshwater and marine species, all suitable for home tanks. Vivid, nearly life-size, full-color photos show each fish. Photos are supplemented with descriptions, waters where each fish is found in nature, and the fish&#39 s typical behavior in an aquarium. Symbol keys explain at a glance whether the fish is a herbivore, omnivore, or predator, its compatibility with other fish, and its ease of keeping on a 1-to-10 scale. Among the 150 freshwater species shown are minnows, cichlids, labyrinth fishes, catfishes, loaches, cold water cyprinids including goldfish varieties, and many others. The 84 marine species, both tropical and cold water, include angelfishes, damselfishes, tropical blennies, pufferfish, eels, tropical groupers, and others.144 sidor. Skriven p&aring engelska.

Inlagd: 2008-11-29

Direktlänk - Butiksinfo

Pris: 445.0 SEK
Frakt från: 0,00 SEK
Total pris: 445.0 SEK
I lager: Ja

Encyklopedi av akvarium v&auml xter.This heavily illustrated volume will prove a blessing to every aquarium hobbyist who has had to settle for superficial plant descriptions in general fish-keeping books. It presents a detailed A-to-Z directory covering hundreds of aquarium plants with high quality color photos and succinct profiles of each plant. Information includes the plant&rsquo s common name, botanical designation, growth cycle, and general description. This handsome book is divided into the following sections: Introducing Aquarium Plants: An overview that distinguishes between underwater parts of land plants and plants that are entirely aquatic, with commonly available examples from both groups. How to Grow Aquarium Plants: Detailed instructions on planting techniques, feeding, lighting, the use of carbon dioxide systems, and general troubleshooting. How to Propagate Aquarium Plants: Most aquarium plants are easy to propagate from cuttings and in some cases from seed. This section shows how. A Detailed Survey of Aquarium Plants: The comprehensive, illustrated, A-to-Z plant directory, as described above.This handsome volume features approximately 450 color photos and illustrations.About the Author:Peter Hiscock trained at Sparsholt College in Hampshire, one of the U.K.&rsquo s leading schools for aquatic studies. He has published widely on fish behavior and aquarium keeping. Among his other books published in North America by Barron&rsquo s are A Practical Guide to Choosing Aquarium Plants and A Practical Guide to Creating and Maintaining Water Quality.208 sidor.Utgiven 2003.Skriven p&aring engelska.

Inlagd: 2008-11-29

Direktlänk - Butiksinfo

Pris: 128.0 SEK
Frakt från: 0,00 SEK
Total pris: 128.0 SEK
I lager: Ja

This large, native American cat is currently one of the most popular breeds in the United States. Here in one volume is virtually everything a pet owner needs to know about the Maine Coon. 96 sidor.Utgiven 2006 .Skriven p&aring engelska.

Inlagd: 2008-11-29

Direktlänk - Butiksinfo

Pris: 149.0 SEK
Frakt från: 0,00 SEK
Total pris: 149.0 SEK
I lager: Ja

Bok om himalaya katter.These docile, heavy-coated felines are closely related to the Persian breed. Their gentle nature makes them perfect as indoor companions. 96&nbsp sidor.Utgiven&nbsp 2006.Skriven p&aring engelska.

Inlagd: 2008-11-29

Direktlänk - Butiksinfo

Pris: 129.0 SEK
Frakt från: 0,00 SEK
Total pris: 129.0 SEK
I lager: Ja

Ny bok helt &auml gnad sl&auml ktet Pionites.From how to choose the ideal bird to building a rewarding relationship with your pet, here is the complete guide to having a pet caique.96 sidor.Utgiven 2006.Skriven p&aring engelska.

Inlagd: 2008-11-29

Direktlänk - Butiksinfo

Pris: 199.0 SEK
Frakt från: 0,00 SEK
Total pris: 199.0 SEK
I lager: Ja

Komplett nyutkommen bok om exotiska f&aring glar!300 f&auml rgbilder.Both prospective owners of birds as pets and dedicated bird watchers will want to add this book to their reference shelf. It&rsquo s an A-to-Z guide to bird species with color photos and descriptions of more than 200 birds native to all parts of the world. A general overview describes bird groups and their characteristics, and advises on setting up backyard birdhouses as well as indoor and outdoor aviaries. Bird species are profiled according to their families, with separate sections on doves, parrots, bluebirds, thrushes, buntings, finches, starlings, and 10 others. Each of the book&rsquo s sections has page edges tipped in a different color for quick reference. Pet owners are advised on the basics of proper bird caging and care, and additional information of special interest to bird enthusiasts is provided. The book features 300 full-color photos and comes with a clear vinyl jacket for extra protection when it&rsquo s used as a field guide.256 sidor.Utgiven 2007.Skriven p&aring engelska

Inlagd: 2008-11-29

Direktlänk - Butiksinfo

Pris: 189.0 SEK
Frakt från: 0,00 SEK
Total pris: 189.0 SEK
I lager: Ja

Handbok om bara Chinchillor!These small mammals, known for their soft, beautiful fur are native to South America. Here is authoritative information on chinchilla traits and behavior, health, housing, feeding, breeding, and general care. 144 sidor.Utgiven 2006.Skriven p&aring engelska.

Inlagd: 2008-11-29

Direktlänk - Butiksinfo

Pris: 129.0 SEK
Frakt från: 0,00 SEK
Total pris: 129.0 SEK
I lager: Ja

Bok med fokus p&aring Perser katter.This brand-new manual focuses on Persian cats, a breed distinguished by its long, soft, silky coat, which can be found in many different colors. Most Persians are placid and gentle, but their heavy coats make daily grooming a virtual necessity. 96 sidor.Utgiven 2004.Skriven p&aring engelska.

Inlagd: 2008-11-29

Direktlänk - Butiksinfo

Pris: 135.0 SEK
Frakt från: 0,00 SEK
Total pris: 135.0 SEK
I lager: Ja

When fresh eggs are needed for the kitchen, what could be better than going out to the back yard and collecting them, courtesy of home-bred chickens? Food simply doesn&rsquo t come any fresher, and the good news is that keeping two or three chickens is quite easy. They don&rsquo t require farmland or much special equipment, and today&rsquo s modern chicken houses are designed so that anyone with even a little backyard space can keep chickens. The authors of this enlightening new book offer essential advice, provide the basic, easy-to-follow chicken-raising facts, and present their information in clear jargon-free text. Keeping Pet Chickens is arranged as a series of clearly-captioned pictorial spreads, each of which focuses on a particular topic of importance to chicken owners. Topics covered include pure breeds and hybrid chicken varieties, maintaining daily routines, catching and handling hens, keeping chickens in good health, and much more. Sidebars on every two-page spread present additional information and fascinating facts about chickens and chicken raising. Approximately 100 color photos. About The Authors: Johannes Paul and William Windham are co-founders of Omlet, a U.K.-based company that designs and produces small, efficient chicken houses for chicken keepers. Joe Stahlkuppe has written extensively on animal and pet care topics, and is the author of several books in Barron&rsquo s Complete Pet Owner&rsquo s Manuals series. 64&nbsp sidor.Utgiven 2005.Skriven p&aring engelska.

Inlagd: 2008-11-29

Direktlänk - Butiksinfo

Pris: 89.0 SEK
Frakt från: 0,00 SEK
Total pris: 89.0 SEK
I lager: Ja

Bok med 100 namnf?ag till katter!Cats have very distinctive personalities, and every new kitten deserves a name to match its looks and character. Prince might be the perfect name for a pussycat of regal appearance&mdash though Yogi would be a better fit for a comical cat who always gets into mischief. Those two plus 998 additional names fill this entertaining and informative little book, written to inspire soon-to-be cat owners. They&rsquo ll find names to match not only their kitten&rsquo s personality, but also to reflect their own tastes and interests, all names presented in alphabetical order. And while trying to decide on that perfect feline name&mdash whether it be Pinocchio or Picasso, Hercules or Hamlet&mdash cat owners can delight over the dozens of enchanting, comical, and endearing color photos of kittens at rest and at play.&nbsp 48 sidor.Utgiven 2005.Skriven p&aring engelska.

Inlagd: 2008-11-29

Direktlänk - Butiksinfo

Pris: 189.0 SEK
Frakt från: 0,00 SEK
Total pris: 189.0 SEK
I lager: Ja

Bok om s?ttens fiskar och akvarium.Literally hundreds of different tropical freshwater fish are shown in vivid color photos and described for aquarium hobbyists. Readers will also find information on general aquarium maintenance. Mer &auml n 300 f&auml rgbilder. 256 sidor.Utgiven 2005.Skriven p&aring engelska.

Inlagd: 2008-11-29

Direktlänk - Butiksinfo

Pris: 149.0 SEK
Frakt från: 0,00 SEK
Total pris: 149.0 SEK
I lager: Ja

Bok om diskus fiskar.Freshwater aquarium hobbyists will find all the information they need regarding purchasing, feeding, and maintaining this delicately-hued tropical fish. 96 sidor.Utgiven 2005.Skriven p&aring engelska.

Inlagd: 2008-11-29

Direktlänk - Butiksinfo

Pris: 129.0 SEK
Frakt från: 0,00 SEK
Total pris: 129.0 SEK
I lager: Ja

Bok om bara Bengal!The Bengal&nbsp katt is a gentle, domesticated animal that makes a fine house pet. Advise on purchasing, feeding, health care, training, grooming, and all other aspects of responsible pet ownership.96 sidor.Utgiven 2005.Skriven p&aring engelska.

Inlagd: 2008-11-29

Direktlänk - Butiksinfo

Pris: 229.0 SEK
Frakt från: 0,00 SEK
Total pris: 229.0 SEK
I lager: Ja

Here is detailed information on setting up and maintaining an outdoor pond, on selecting koi specimens, and on maintaining the perfect environment for this hardy breed of carp.Approximately 250 color photos and illustrations.208 sidor.Utgiven 2005.Skriven p&aring engelska.

Inlagd: 2008-11-29

Direktlänk - Butiksinfo

Pris: 229.0 SEK
Frakt från: 0,00 SEK
Total pris: 229.0 SEK
I lager: Ja

Hur man s&auml tter upp ett saltvattens akvarium. Detaljerade anvisningar.This volume gives detailed instruction on creating and maintaining proper seawater chemistry, then advises on introducing coral, crustaceans, fishes, and other saltwater life species to produce an authentic and thriving marine aquarium. Titles in the brand-new Mini&nbsp Approximately 250 color photos and illustrations. Saltvattensakvarium208&nbsp sidor.Utgiven&nbsp 2004.Skriven p&aring engelska.

Inlagd: 2008-11-29

Direktlänk - Butiksinfo

Pris: 128.0 SEK
Frakt från: 0,00 SEK
Total pris: 128.0 SEK
I lager: Ja

Tropiska fiskar.Aquarium owners will find valuable information on maintaining correct water chemistry and temperature, and creating an optimal environment for tropical fish varieties. From the Reviews:&quot ...concise and presented in a format that is easy to read and understand.&quot &mdash Aquarium Fish Magazine96&nbsp sidor.Utgiven&nbsp 2003.Skriven p&aring engelska.

Inlagd: 2008-11-29

Direktlänk - Butiksinfo

Pris: 98.0 SEK
Frakt från: 0,00 SEK
Total pris: 98.0 SEK
I lager: Ja

Katten &auml r v&aring rt vanligaste s&auml llskapsdjur. Enligt vissa ber&auml kningar finns det 1,2 miljoner katter i Sverige. Katten trivs mycket bra om den i lugn och ro kan syssels&auml tta sig med det den vill. F?et beh? den ett omv&auml xlande revir. Om man inr&auml ttar ett s&aring dant revir i sin l&auml genhet och sedan aktiverar sin katt, s&aring trivs den. Boken &auml r utm&auml rkt f?en som just har skaffat katt, men h&auml r finns ocks&aring mycket att l&auml ra f?en som redan &auml r erfaren katt&auml gare, t.ex. om beteenden och uppfostran.Boken &auml r indelad i fyra avsnitt:L&auml ra k&auml nna varandra: handlar om att l&auml genheten &auml r kattens revir och hur katten vill ha det, olika kattraser, vad som &auml r typiskt f?atter samt fr&aring gor kring att v&auml lja katt och dess olika beteenden.Ett hem att trivas i: handlar om hur man v&auml ljer bra utrustning till katten, faror f?atten, hur man p&aring b&auml sta s&auml tt vinner kattens f?oende och fr&aring gor om inv&auml njning.Frisk och pigg: handlar om vad innekatten kan och b?auml ta och dricka, hur man sk? dess p&auml ls p&aring b&auml sta s&auml tt samt h&auml lsor&aring d med vaccinationer.Aktivera din katt: handlar om att lek &auml r viktigt, hur vi kan leka med katten p&aring b&auml sta s&auml tt, l&auml mpliga leksaker, f?a grunderna i uppfostran, hur man v&auml njer bort olater hos katten och fr&aring gor kring semester med katt.I slutet av boken finns 10 tips f?tt f&aring innekatten att trivas riktigt bra och adresser som har katten som gemensam n&auml mnare.Samtliga avsnitt avslutas med fr&aring gor och svar.I slutet av boken finns 10 tips hur man kan f&aring innekatten att trivas riktigt bra.Ca 65 f&auml rgfoton samt vinjettbilder (f&auml rgfoton). <!--nyhet-->

Inlagd: 2008-11-29

Direktlänk - Butiksinfo

Pris: 198.0 SEK
Frakt från: 0,00 SEK
Total pris: 198.0 SEK
I lager: Ja

Here in words and color illustrations are clear and humane methods for breaking annoying and destructive canine habits, and teaching the family dog lessons it will always remember. The author describes how dogs learn, then emphasizing humane treatment of animals, he explains how to control a dominant dog . . . how to make a dog respond when it is called . . . how to stop excessive barking . . . how to end destruction of furniture and garbage picking . . . how to deal with the dog who steals food . . . how to paper-train and house-train even the most difficult dog, and much more.The book is filled with more than 350 color, time-sequence photos that demonstrate training methods step by step.

Inlagd: 2008-11-29

Direktlänk - Butiksinfo

Pris: 184.0 SEK
Frakt från: 0,00 SEK
Total pris: 184.0 SEK
I lager: Ja

L&auml r ditt barn handskas med er hundvalp.Kids and puppies make natural friends. This heavily illustrated guide is written especially for kids, with information on dogs and how they develop and grow. Just as important are easy-to-understand instructions for boys and girls on puppy training and care&mdash always with an emphasis on fun.Kids learn what to feed puppies and how much to give them, and how to play games that are safe and enjoyable. They also learn basics of puppy handling and grooming, giving commands and teaching obedience, tricks they can teach young canines, and much more. There are instructive and charming full-color photographs throughout the book. Suitable for ages 9-12, or 4-8 with parents&#39 guidance.

Inlagd: 2008-11-29

Direktlänk - Butiksinfo

Pris: 118.0 SEK
Frakt från: 0,00 SEK
Total pris: 118.0 SEK
I lager: Ja

Ciklidbok.These colorful fish are native to Central and South America, Africa, and Asia, and hobbyists will find them available in many colors and varieties. 96&nbsp sidor.Skriven p&aring engelska.

Inlagd: 2008-11-29

Direktlänk - Butiksinfo

Pris: 118.0 SEK
Frakt från: 0,00 SEK
Total pris: 118.0 SEK
I lager: Ja

In Japan, breeding Koi&mdash a colorful fish in the carp family&mdash is an art form. This book speaks to its increased popularity in America with information on maintaining a garden pond and proper care of the fish. 96&nbsp sidor. Ugiven 2005.Skriven p&aring engelska.

Inlagd: 2008-11-29

Direktlänk - Butiksinfo

Pris: 128.0 SEK
Frakt från: 0,00 SEK
Total pris: 128.0 SEK
I lager: Ja

Allt du beh? veta om din Siameskatt.These sleek, handsome shorthaired cats are among the most sociable of all feline breeds. .96 sidor.Utgiven 2006.Skriven p&aring engelska.

Inlagd: 2008-11-29

Direktlänk - Butiksinfo

Pris: 179.0 SEK
Frakt från: 0,00 SEK
Total pris: 179.0 SEK
I lager: Ja

Bra bok om kampfiskar.Bettas, also known as Siamese fighting fish, are tropical Asian varieties having spectacular waving tails and fins. They&rsquo re available in a wide range of colors. Here is expert guidance on the care of bettas, plus specific information on the different strains of betta and advice on segregating them from less pugnacious fish.176&nbsp sidor.Utgiven 2004.Skriven p&aring engelska.

Inlagd: 2008-11-29

Direktlänk - Butiksinfo

Pris: 129.0 SEK
Frakt från: 0,00 SEK
Total pris: 129.0 SEK
I lager: Ja

Bok om bara malar!Catfish gives advice to aquarium hobbyists as it describes the several varieties of bottom-dwelling fish that are native to many tropical and subtropical rivers. From the popular Corydoras to many exotic and beautiful newcomers, the world of tropical catfish is an appealing one for the growing number of aquarium hobbyists. 96&nbsp sidor.Utgiven 2003.Skriven p&aring engelska.

Inlagd: 2008-11-29

Direktlänk - Butiksinfo

Pris: 174.0 SEK
Frakt från: 0,00 SEK
Total pris: 174.0 SEK
I lager: Ja

Aquarium hobbyists who are interested in breeding fishes and invertebrates will find a bonanza of information in this profusely illustrated book. Explained here is the biology of fish breeding, with focus on taxonomy, population management, genetics, inbreeding versus selective breeding, culling, reproductive strategies, and larval and juvenile development. The author also provides extensive information on aquarium requirements, breeding triggers, and fish nutrition. Prospective fish breeders will value the author&rsquo s detailed instructions for building a fish room, with attention to its location, structure, plumbing, life support, and safety issues. He devotes individual chapters to livebearers, egg layers, cichlids, marine fish, and invertebrates. This very useful book is enhanced with more than 100 color photos plus helpful line art.About the Author:Jay F. Hemdal is Curator of Fishes and Invertebrates at the Toledo, Ohio, Zoo and is a member of the American Zoo and Aquarium Association&rsquo s Wildlife Conservation and Management Committee. He has published extensively in aquarium periodicals and is the author of a previously published book on aquarium careers.176 sidor.Utgiven 2003.Skriven p&aring engelska.

Inlagd: 2008-11-29

Direktlänk - Butiksinfo
